From our Pastor:
Welcome to Fellowship Baptist Church!
Whether you come for your first service or you're a familiar face - our goal is to add value to your life from the Word of God. The world is constantly in a state of uncertainty and, at times, upheaval. At FBC, we're hoping you find love, hope, and rest. Our services and classes are designed to strengthen your faith in God and the Bible.
While you are here, I want you to feel dearly loved and valued - because you are - first by our Creator and also by us. I hope to see you soon.
It is so good to be together with other believers. We look forward to getting to know you.
Pastor Rob Wiedell

Service Times:
Sunday School 10:00am
Morning Worship 11:00am
Evening Fellowship*
Wednesday 6:30pm
On Wednesday night we have kids, youth, and adult groups that meet to study the Bible and fellowship together!
*Almost every Sunday evening we have an opportunity for a different time of fellowship.
1st Sunday of the Month
We enjoy a themed meal after the morning service followed by a Missions Review.
2nd Sunday of the Month
Every other month, we enjoy a time of family fellowship with a meal and time of fun hosted by one of the families in the church.
3rd Sunday of the Month
The Ladies enjoy a time of food and fellowship at one of the venues in town.
4th Sunday of the Month
We enjoy a prayer meeting and hymn sing on campus on the Stephens' Trail or in the Sutherland Chapel (if weather doesn't permit a trail meeting.)
5th Sunday of the Month
When there is a 5th Sunday, the men take the chance to fellowship together with food and some "manly" activity.